If you would like to take the initiative to contact me please do so. I really hope we can cooperate to improve the production quality of tournaments and showmatches all over the world. If you are designing maps that make it into regular competitive play, chances are I will try to contact you very shortly, have already tried to contact you, or cannot find contact information for you. If there is something stopping you from using it even though you would like to, or there is some feature you would like to see please let me know. Obviously my goal with the overlay is to gain widespread adoption. If your organization is not currently included in the overlay and you would like to be, please contact me. If you would like your organization removed from the overlay entirely please contact me, preferably in a way that I can verify you genuinely represent the team or league.

League logos are a 2x1 ratio (horizontal). The team logos go into the map in a square format and images with a transparent/no background are ideal. If your organization does not like the logo I have used for you in the overlay and would like to provide me with another, please do. Simple in-game lobby interface gives organizers greater control over the exact moment the game starts, rather than relying on unpredictable loading times.Unit health and upgrades can now be easily viewed by clicking on an individual unit.You can now easily determine the order of observers to create hotkey consistency for your production.You can easily change the names that show up for players in the overlay to correct smurf account names. You can now easily setup a scoreboard to show whether its a best of 3 or 5 etc, and how many games each player has won. Map intro animations to add a little class to your production.Labels to indicate what buildings are researching or producing on the building itself.


Multiple layouts to choose from so each league can choose what best suits their needs.Simple design to allow tournaments to easily modify it using image overlays to create their own ‘look’.Sleek minimalist overlay which makes important information big and easy to read for any quality of stream while drastically reducing the size of the UI to show more of the game.